Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pitch #10

Pg. 271 – 294

  • “He got tripped up in the conversation and was not making much sense. It’s almost like there is something he wants to prove that he can’t prove. I almost felt that he was envious because he knew that what I was showing was my personal design, and that everyone was saying it was great software. I think that hurt him more than if he lost his $12 billion,” Kahn said when Kahn came to demonstrate the latest version of SideKick for Windows 95, developed by his new company
  • Gates left on a two-week vacation to China with his wife and several other couples.
  • Melinda was pregnant at the time; the baby was due 8 months later
  • Melinda’s pregnancy was a hush-hush; no one was supposed to know
  • Bill Gates was about to become a father, and it was one event that he did not want the world to know about
  • April 26, 1996, Melinda Gates gave birth to their first child, a girl: Jennifer Katharine Gates
  • some people in the computer industry wondered what kind of father the hard-driving Gates would make
  • when Jennifer was born, he told a New York Times reporter that it had been “much more of a thrill than I expected. I thought, ‘Well, when the kid starts talking, we’ll do things together.’ But even a kid who doesn’t talk has little triumphs and a personality.”
    Gates, whose burning desire to win and fear of failure compel him not only to beat his competitors, but to destroy them, Microsoft’s dominance seems secure for a long time to come

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